I got the Rife machine and started the code for diabetes on May 19th but took my blood sugar this morning and it was 183, all the other times it has been 260 sometimes a little less but always over 200, my question is will it take longer tomorrow will be a month, Should I keep doing it? How long do you think it will heal me?  Plus before this i used it for 1 month for my fatty liver.
The specific frequencies are designed to heal all diabetes conditions and symptoms.
I do know that even using the machine for extended sessions you will find the blood sugar fluctuating, mainly downwards.  As diabetes is a chronic long term “Disease” or you may say “ailment”, it does require the longer term treatment sessions for the effective healing processes to move through the whole body.  People who use the Rife for 3 months or more have found a more positive remission of Diabetes symptoms and a significant reduction in Blood Sugar levels.

Remember also too:  Diabetes is diet related, so the Rife cannot compensate for irresponsible food habits, especially the high consumption of food products that contain excess sugar.
Kind Regards,



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