Why Does the Machine Work?


Hello, I have a question about how the machine works. When it comes to treating a pathology like a virus, I understand that the frequency that resonates with the virus causes the virus to destroy itself. But for example when it’s osteoarthritis or a vitamin C or D deficiency, what happens? And when it’s to rebalance the chakras, what happens? Because it is not a virus in these specific cases. Good day


We access the ETDFL frequency list as a compilation of many authors using bioresonance machines to find solutions to a large range of deficiencies, disorders and diseases.  Bioresonance provides the frequencies to the body that help resolve the problems related to the uptake of specific vitamins, or assist with the symptoms of osteoarthritis, and in some cases completely resolve the disorders.   We cannot always explain the methodology of how bioresonance works with the human body, but certain frequencies, as discovered by Dr Rife, Dr Clark, Dr Beck, have incredible healing effects on the body. 

It is not just viruses it goes after, also bacteria and parasites.

I used it to get rid of Osteoarthritis, it took me around 3 months of using it while sleeping.

We access the ETDFL frequency list as a compilation of many authors using bioresonance machines to find solutions to a large range of deficiencies, disorders and diseases.  

I do understand a little as to how this works — it uses resonance and that explanation makes perfect sense to me.  I don’t think it explains everything for me but I imagine that is a function of not having the scientific education to understand exactly how the machine works beyond a modest understanding of resonance.  


Below is a definition of how resonance works, you may have seen this, but it is below.

How The Machine Works
The machine works on resonance so if what you are treating is not present 

in you then nothing will happen.  Below is an explanation of how this works:
Dr. Rife, who first discovered that when viruses, bacteria and parasites are 

bombarded with electrical pulses of the right frequency, they shake apart.  This is an inherent characteristic shared by all objects and living beings called “Resonant Frequency,” which is the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates.  Resonant frequencies are what makes a string on a stringed instrument produce a certain note.  But resonant frequencies, in addition to producing music, can also cause objects to shake so uncontrollably that their stability is undermined.  This is what happened to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  The wind reached resonance with the bridge and it shook apart.  The same is true with pathogens.  When the frequency being introduced into the body by way of feet and/or hand straps, mat or belt, reaches resonance with whatever pathogen it resonates with, it undermines its stability and kills it.

Like a Soprano singing a high note and breaking a wine glass.  Same thing.  And, if you are treating something you don’t have, nothing will happen.  Imagine that same vocalist singing that high note, but no wine glass is present.  The note sounds but nothing else happens.  

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