5 Commonly Used Settings for The Rife Machine


Rife Digital Professional V3

Everyone has certain, specific issues that they are working on.

But there are things we all have in common.

So, one of the most commonly used settings for the Rife Machine is Group 10.


Group 10: 

Gram +/-Bacterial Infections Specific (cold & flu) Inc. Pneumonia

I use this group as soon as I know I have been exposed to a flu or cold.

I will use it that night and the next 2 or 3 nights and I will rarely catch that cold or flu. 

Another commonly used setting is the Covid19 set.  This is not a preset but it is in our list of frequencies.  It will probably become a preset in upgrades to come.  You can use this if you have Corvid, of course, but you can also use it preventatively.  I use it most every day.  I have it set up in my Group SWEEP so whenever I am doing a treatment, that is part of it. 

The other commonly used setting is the original frequency set of Dr. Rife’s.  This is the set he used to cure his original 16 cancer patients of cancer. 

This is a preset.


Group 8:

Dr. Rife’s specialized MOR Carrier Wave Frequency: 

Uses Dr. Rife’s 3.30 MHz MOR Sideband. Cancer and Virus Specific. Includes BX Virus Carcinoma, BY Sarcoma, E. coli, Meningitis, Strep & Staph.

Also a Preset


Another set is the Dr. Clark Parasite set.   This too is a Preset.

Group 15:

Dr. Hulda Clark Parasite General, Comprehensive

This is a pre-set – this is also one of the DETOX sets.

The last one to mention here is the Toxin Detox set.  This helps to remove heavy metals among other toxins.

You can see all of these frequency listings on our BLOG –  Click on Frequency Reference at the top of the home page.  Here is a LINK that will take you directly to the frequency listings.  

If you have any questions or any trouble finding the frequency set you need, please email me.  


There are over 3500 frequency listings covering a wide range of issues.  These are just 5 of the most commonly used listings.


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