Only the  Professional V2 & V3models have both these functions.

The Rife and Zapper Trio models have the Super SWEEP function but not the Convergence SWEEP function.

The Object of Super Sweep and Convergence Sweep is to sweep all frequencies. This sweeps through all 1 million frequencies.

The Super Sweep – 1 Second per frequency provides the user a full spectrum “zap” of all frequencies over a period of about 7 hours. We suggest using this while you sleep.

These new functions are provided on much more expensive machines such as the GB4000 and have had good results, so we are now providing our customers with the same technology. The Convergence also sweeps through all one million frequencies but it runs the highest and lowest frequencies at the same time. Still takes several hours. Either of these functions is good to use for prevention or if you don’t know what’s wrong. You will be using SWEEP most of the time and whatever frequency set is applicable to the issue you are working on – unless you don’t know what’s wrong.



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